Tuesday, December 20, 2011


it has been a while since i posted so i am doing a bit of catching up since the kids are out of school. joaquin wanted to be a bat, not batman just a bat. that was harder than you might think. he wanted bat wings...not a cape that looks like wings. bat wings are harder to find that you might think. so i made them. he thought they were cool so that was all that mattered. maverick wanted to be prince eric from the little mermaid. he really looked liked prince eric. i think i spent $20 for both their costumes most of the stuff i had or i bought at thrift shops!!! the twins decided i should be a dead pirate! haha as luck would have it i had everything i needed for a pirate costume.

the top pic is at my parents new house. my dad found this david letterman mask about 6 years ago and he wears it every year. its actually kind of creepy. the other little guy is my nephew logan.
next is mom and raquel as we took the kids trick or treating. the baby in the stroller is ethan my youngest nephew.
the next pic is of the goodies we all made for the kids. sandwiches, cookies, cupcakes, you name it we made it.
the next is of the bat, prince eric and the dead pirate.
joaquin wanted to look super scary and maverick wanted to take ariel with him.

anyway sorry these are posted so late.

Monday, October 24, 2011

our jack-o-lantern

joaquin and maverick have learned the term jack-o-lantern and refuse to call it a pumpkin so here we are. i went out in search of the perfect pumpkin and i think i found it. it is bright orange, nice and round, not too big, not too small. it has a perfect little stump stem on top. the twins decided they did not want to go the traditional route and instead opted for a haunted house theme and this is what they got.

they were really impressed with my skills and to be honest so was i. it came out pretty great if i do say so myself. ha ha

we have a mummy surrounded by bats in our entry way and (fake) spider webs throughout our house. now we have the great pumpkin (jack-o-lantern) on our table so i think its safe to say we are all feeling the Spirit of Halloween.

fall fest

well this past weekend the twins had their fist annual fall festival for their elementary school. it was actually a pretty day with lots of cool breezes! the first pic is of bella dressed like a tinkerbell fairy, the next one is of the boys by an awesome fire truck. they got to really see everything in the truck and they thought it was pretty cool. (heck i thought it was pretty cool) the next pic is of the boys getting a sugar high on some cotton candy. the last pic is of joaquin (thomas the train) and of maverick the witch and of maverick's best friend gracie. i guess maverick has a thing for redheads. i have been hearing about gracie since the first day of school. she's a very sweet little girl and from what i understand her mom says she hears about maverick all the time too. ha ha

joaquin is actually going to be a bat for halloween but since i was not done making his costume he decided to use his thomas the train outfit again. it was a big hit, lots of people wanted to take pictures with him. (he liked all the attention) maverick is going to be prince eric from the little mermaid for halloween because gracie is going to be ariel. (he is such a romantic)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

who's got pasta face?

well bella is getting more and more independent. she refused to let me feed her last night while i was talking to her uncle kevin. i thought she was done so i put the spoon down. she kept whining so i put the food on her tray and sure enough she went all out as you can see! yep when a baby makes a mess like this there is no point in trying to clean with wipes it straight to the bath or in the house it's the sink. ha ha

bella is getting so big so fast!! enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

don't blink

i swear she gets bigger overnight! she is now really starting to feed herself which is awesome!!! she is also starting to play a lot more independently. i know she misses the boys when they are at school but i can tell she also like the one on one attention and QUIET!!! i have to admit it is a little easier to get things done with the boys at school but when bella is awake she is NO picnic. either way i find myself missing the twins too. i swear i here them playing their room sometimes. ha ha

first day of school

ahhh, the smell of crayons and pencils is in the air! everyone was feeling a few butterflies before we left the house but it was all good after that. i thought they looked pretty cute, but i have to say that don't i!! haha they got right to work and didn't even look back at me or steve. They didn't even give me a chance to cry! they just told me to be sure to be back to pick them up!! ha

kindergarten orientation

the twins met their teachers and found where their desks were. they were a little scared about not being in the same class, but after seeing how close they are going to be to each other they were ok! this is maverick with mrs. pady. this is joaquin with mrs. dalberg.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

fun in the sun

the twins have been outside a lot. they love the little pool and enjoy getting to play unsupervised. (they don't know i can see them through the window!) they stand in front of the window doing all the crazy faces in the reflection not knowing we can see them! it's hilarious! if i see them doing something they shouldn't i come out and tell them to knock it off or pool time is over and the funny thing is when i close the door they starting trying to figure out how i can see them. i am sneaky though and always remember to shut the blinds and curtain before they come back in so they don't suspect a thing.

bella also loves the water. she loves the water way more than the twins ever did as a baby! she is such a ham for the camera too! she makes us smile everyday. i am so happy that i get to spend my days with her and the twins.

we are going to the waterpark tomorrow which should be a nice getaway before school starts. i will post those pix once we get back! i will let you know how OLD i feel the next day! good thing i still have some pain killers from when i broke my toe this past winter!

here are some pix of summer fun!
1) mavericks flip
2) joaquins wave
3)mavericks goggles
4)joaquins jaws impersonation
5) bella cheezing for camera

Thursday, July 14, 2011

new house

so we have finally made the move and have somewhat settled in! the kids love all the space and i love them being happy. even little bella has adjusted well to having a room of her own. it feels awesome to have this new opportunity to have a fresh start. the kids will be starting school and everything couldn't have worked out better! here are few recent pics of the kids in the new house!!
1) the boys playing board games
at the kitchen table!

2) bella playing on the floor and cheesing for the camera!

3) bella playing crawling on the
living room floor!

4) boys keeping cool in our new
backyard and acting silly of

Thursday, March 24, 2011

(ALMOST) our new home

here is our new home!!!

here is the entry way leading to the living room.
notice the tile!!! nice plus for us!!

here is our living room!
with a fireplace to the left! i am sure
we will use that like 2 days next
january!! haha

here is the back!! it needs a little TLC but it is bigger than our old one so
that is cool!!

here is the side back! another plus!!
good place for a little shed or
garden!! we will see!!!

well that covers that for now i will take some more pics as we get closer to move in time!!
maverick is so excited about his OWN room he can't stand it!!! haha

(ALMOST) our new home

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

bella's first spring

well spring is in the air here in houston, texas and all the flowers are blooming. i was inspired and decided to take some photos of bella during her first spring. here is how few turned out. the top one is one that i edited myself, just messing around!! let me know what you think!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

we have made it to five

here are a few pix of their party. cat in the hat was a good theme. they loved the hats!! as you can see we had a few sack races!! yep i went old school on them this year. they had no idea the fun they could have without a bounce house!! we had sack races, throwing contests, we played simon says and musical chairs! we even did the hokey pokey! all the kids were wiped out and so was i!!!

the other pic is of them painting in the tub!! they wanted to paint for their birthday and i didn't want a mess!! see it's a win win situation!! they make a mess and i rinse them and the tub off!!! i think i am getting a hang of this mom thing!!! ha ha

bella's smile

here are a couple of pix of her at her cutest!!! see what your missing uncle kevin!!!

super bowl for 5 year olds

i know i am posting late but better late than never right?? well the kids and i were alone for super bowl. steve was invited to a super bowl party so i let him have the night off. grandma and grandpa also ditched us for another super bowl party so we decided to have a party of our own. i actually wanted to watch the game but he twins were like "LET'S WATCH DUMBO!!" being the awesome mom that i am i agreed hoping that i could at least watch the 2nd half.

so i changed bella's diaper and feed her then put her down for her nap. GO MOM!!!
then we fixed our snacks. our spread was pretty good as you can see from our pix. GO MOM!!!
then we watched dumbo and ate our snacks!! A Score For The TWINS!!!
they went to their room to play and i got to see the end of the half time show and the 2nd half for the game!! TOUCHDOWN FOR TEAM MOM!!

yep my plans don't always work out but the did that day!! Yeah Me!!!
the twins still think that super bowl means eating awesome snacks and watching dumbo!! haha

Saturday, February 26, 2011

bella's laugh

here is a video of bella cracking up!! steve is tickling her and she is loving it!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

new phone

i got a new phone and was going through some of my old pix. the twins have grown up so much!! check them out!