Friday, June 7, 2013

1st Grade Awards Ceremony

The twins had an end of year awards ceremony and my boys cleaned up!!
 Maverick Received Awards In...

Perfect Attendance
(2nd year in a row)
(only 2 kids got this one)
(he read tons of books this year)
(maverick loves music and loves singing)
Science Fair
(check out my science fair post)
(he scored 97 or above on his end of year test)
Physical Education
(he finished his marathon laps)

  Joaquin Received Awards In...

(he loves computer class)
(joaquin did a lot of improvement in music this year)
Science Fair
(check out my science fair post)
(he scored 97 or above on his end of year test)
Physical Education
(he finished his marathon laps)

 After the awards ceremony we had a class picnic!
 Maverick and Mrs. Fonseca
Joaquin and Mrs. Carriere

I am such a proud mama!! my boys have worked so hard this year!!
they are growing right before my eyes and i can't seem to slow it down!!
i just wanted to share my joy and their accomplishments with you.
i hope the boys one day look at this blog and know how
incredibly happy they make us!

Today is their last day of 1st Grade!
I have a surprise planned for them when i pick them up!!
stay tuned to see how it went!!

Bella Gets A Surprise Gift From Colorado

She totally though this was the gift!! She was happy already!!  
 Then she starts to open it!
 Now she's getting it! But she says she doesnt want to tear the pretty paper!
 She's on a roll now!!
Ahha!! Now she sees the point to tearing the pretty paper!
 And as you can see she loved it!!!!
she tried to call you but her dora phone only makes local calls!!

Thank you guys so much for thinking of Bella!!
It was very sweet of you!!!