Thursday, October 21, 2010

ahhh, sleep!!

my wonderful husband kept all the kids quiet so i could sleep in today!! it was awesome!! i didn't get up until 10; it would've been later but nature was calling. it was also nice because everyone was already feed so i just had to worry about me. i had my quiet breakfast and read the paper.

i have to say even though i totally enjoyed myself. i was totally thrown off the rest of the day. call me crazy but i think i actually missed the chaos. huh… not what i expected.

tomorrow i have a crazy day planned. surprise trip to the zoo with the twins and coco (my dad). then our nephews are coming to stay the night. 4 boys between the ages of 4 and 6. yep i'm asking for it, but i know they are going to have so much fun. bells is going to have a day with grandma (my mother-in-law). she loves it!! i will tell ya how it all goes!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

mom's night out

so i was invited to go see vampire weekend last night and it was awesome. thank goodness i have a husband who understands that i needed a night out. so when the opportunity presented itself he said he could handle the kids for the night. i feel really tired but at the same time refreshed. not sure if that makes sense to anyone but me but oh well.

i forgot what it felt like to be at a concert. dark, smokey, the music so loud you can feel it in your chest and under your feet. it's such an alive feeling... i didn't know i missed it. i told my husband we need to go to a concert soon.

thanks to my peeps for invited me.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

it's been a while

well i am now at a point where i can manage to have a few moments to myself and i choose to blog with that time. mostly because i am a bad napper... so there is no use there. anyway a lot has happened since i last blogged. the biggest change being, now i am a SAHM and we also have a new addition to our family, bella. my old blog was about having twins, this one is going to be about all three, of course!!!

i named my blog "my little movie stars" because all of my kids were kind of named by either movie characters or actors that we love. joaquin river, maverick cole and anabella star.

this is all i have for now, but hopefully its a good start.