Monday, April 16, 2012

easter 2012

well the twins made out like bandits again! the easter bunny came and delivered tons of art supplies and candies. bella had a great time at her grandparents house. not sure what was in her sippy cup but i hope it was juice! haha the next pic is of her and her grandpa hunting for eggs. next you can see her grandparents are always ready to ham it up with the baby! and the last on is of the twins making a mad dash to get some eggs in the easter egg hunt!!

i was on my own this easter since steve had to work. we had easter fun at my in-laws house and then headed to tomball to my cousins house. she hosted easter so we met up with my parents over there. i went upstairs to change the baby and dropped the camera on her bed which was in bella's diaper bag. i sent my brother to look for it and even told him to check the bed and he said it wasn't there. needless to say i didnt take any photos at my cousins house and it was too mad because she had it all done up for the kids.

i had to change bella again before we left and sure enough my camera was right there on the bed the whole time. my brother ended up looking pretty crazy. we had a great easter but by the time i made it home i was pooped out!!!

hope everyone had a happy easter!!!

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