Monday, May 21, 2012

Humble ISD Art Festival 2012

So I am checking Maverick's Take Home Folder like I do everyday after school and there is a paper in there telling me Maverick has won 2nd Place in the Kindergarten Division for Whispering Pines Elementary and that now we are invited to go see his piece displayed at the Annual Humble ISD Art Festival.
We went and it was awesome. Of course I was a proud Mama walking around with a 2nd Place Winner but it was a really great experience for the twins. Each school had a booth where kids could do some kind of art that used all different kinds of media. They had chalks, watercolors, markers, crafts, paints, you name it they had it and it was all FREE!!!
We will soooo go there again next year!!

The first pic is of Maverick's piece. He named it "A Red Heart"!!
The next pic is of the twins with their Art Teacher Mrs. Bingley!!
The last one is of the twins doing sidewalk chalk!

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