Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sea World Part 3

click here to see a video this dude took while on the actual steel eel! SEE HOW BRAVE MY BABIES WERE!!
okay, so the twins wanted to get on a real roller coaster because the Shamu Express was fun but it was a little babyish! we walked up to the steel eel and wouldn't ya know it, they were tall enough! so steve and i decided this was going to be awesome.
now lets recap…steve hasn't been on a roller coaster since the 80's and i haven't been on one since the late 90's! once we were actually sitting on the ride i think all 4 of us started to rethink this idea but it was definitely too late.
in the second photo you can see the first drop… it was messed up!!! as we were clicking up to the top maverick was like, "UMMMMMM, NO, NO, NO, I WANT TO GET OFF!!! RIGHT NOW!!!! I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!!" joaquin was super quiet…until we dropped!! then he was like, "I CAN'T BREATHE! STOP IT!!!! STOP IT!!!

IT WAS AWESOME!!!! i could hear steve laughing and i was screaming so loud and holding on to maverick. i was scared i thought he was going to fall out he is sooo small!!
the last pic is what we looked like right after we got off. the twins were shaking…okay so was i!!

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