Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sea World Part 7

we rode another ride which was super tame called the Rio Loco! If you ever rode the Thunder River in AstroWorld then that was what that ride was like except the line was shorter and you totally get soaked by a waterfall! that ride was super fun!

then i talked the twins into riding this ride! Journey To Atlantis! It was kind of like the Tidal Wave at AstroWorld! Joaquin almost blew chunks and Maverick told me he was super mad at me for thinking this was a good idea!! Steve stayed on the ground to take a video and Robbie rode us!

Robbie is the crazy dude in the lime green shirt with his hands up the entire time!! the three of us are beside him holding on dear life!

it was sooooooooo funnnnnnn! joaquin stayed mad at me for like an hour after that!!

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