Monday, November 5, 2012

Bella's First Big BooBoo

So Bella really likes playing with her crazy brothers almost a little too much. it does not matter how many times i say, "please, don't play with doors." no one every listens until their baby sister is screaming her brains out!!

So there i am enjoying some quiet time (that should have tipped me off) when all of the sudden i hear Bella screaming and the twins come running out of their room talking about Bella bleeding.

So i run to their room to see Bella on the floor holding her little hand. All i want is for it NOT to be broken. i can see right away that it is going to be swollen, but it did look like it really hurt.
But she was a trooper.
 here you can see her middle and ring finger are a little swollen.
 here you can see the bruising on her ring finger.
  here you can see the bruising on her ring finger again.
 i needed her to keep an ice pack on her hand but she wasn't having that so i thought of a better idea.
the twins have color changing hot wheels that change in cold/hot water.
so i put a bunch in a bowl of ice water and she kept diving for them with her hurt hand, which also let me know she could move her little fingers.
after a while she totally forgot about her hand and was just playing with the cars.
the twins on the other hand cried for about the next 15 minutes because they felt sooooo bad!

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