Monday, November 5, 2012

who needs the outdoors??

okay so these were taken back in august, while we were still checking off things on our summer list. so the week were suppose to backyard camp it was all rainy, and the twins wanted to have it up more than just a day, so we all compromised and decided to camp inside. they had a great time.
here is our tent that almost didnt fit!!

 here they are watching a movie just like they would if were really camping.
 the twins wanted to make smores just like in sandlot.
they loved them and had one every night the tent was up, which was 5 days.

 it must be good it your are eating it with your eyes closed!!
maverick sounded like he was making a commercial for smores.
and he kept telling me what a great mom i was!! hey i will take it!!

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