Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Moody Gardens Galveston Part 3

So of course there was a reason we went to Moody Gardens.
For Maverick they had a 4-D Wizard of Oz Experience.
You get to...
 See, hear, feel and smell the action! Hi-def digital 3D projection, audio and show control systems combined with special effects, such as wind, smoke, mist, leg ticklers, seat buzzers and SFX lighting and DTS surround sound system immerse you in a unique short-film theater experience that is a thrill for all ages.

If was actually really neat!
 Outside the movie they had these cutouts for you to take pictures in!
 As you can see we had fun!
Bella even got in on the action! 

Moody Gardens Galveston Part 2

This kind of freaked us out only because we've seen Jaws way too many times!
but it was cool! and we were all brave! 
 the kids really liked this cage!!

i might have to go and photoshop a shark behind them!!
that would be scary!!

so while we are in the middle of the exhibit with water  and sharks all around us.
Joaquin turns to me and says,
"hey mom, remember in Jaws 3 when they're in that restaurant
under water and then Jaws attacks the glass!"
Then I say,
"dude, probably not the best time to think about stuff like that!"
Then as he stars off into the tank he's like,
"look at how they painted the walls of the tank black so you can't actually see where it ends!"
So I say,
"how do you know its painted black? maybe it is the ocean!"
When I finally look back at him he is as white as a ghost and looks like he is about to cry!!
Guess I took it too far!! ha ha

Moody Gardens Galveston Part 1

The kids were super excited to be visiting the aquarium.
Our family really loves learning about the ocean.
the kids loved the sting rays! 
this is looking over the glass and into the tanks! 
once the kids got up close, the sting rays started to suck the glass in front of Bella. 
she said the sting rays were trying to give her a kissy!! ha ha

 Bella is measuring herself to see what kind of penguin she is!! ha ha

 the entryway to the Shark exhibit!!
 my babies!!
the kids freaked out when a diver was in the tank feeding the sting rays!!

Bella Gets Glasses

 After seeing a Pediatric Optomologist Bella was indeed going to have to get her 1st pair of eye glasses.
 Doesn't she look super cute??
 The little purse she is holding is her eye glasses case!!

Daddy Turns 41!!

 The kids and I thought it would be cool to make Steve a cake
that looks like a Chocolate covered donut!!
As you can see everyone was super excited!

Henry & Brenda's Wedding

Yep, you read that correctly!
My big brother finally tied the knot!!
 It was so hot on the beach but the pictures came out nice!
 Raquel and me posing for a picture!
I don't think we have enough of the these!
 I know for a fact we don't have enough of these pics! 
 I don't know why this picture cracks me up!
It's probably because we never pose for pics together, EVER!!
My babies enjoying the beach!! 
 Here is Tia Julie!! The reason I actually found the love of my life!!
I hope it makes her happy to know she is the reason we are so blessed with our family!
Tia Julie and my little cousin Hillary!! Can I still say "little cousin"?
I think she will always be 3 years old to me!! Poor Hilly!! 
 I like this picture!
 Tia Julie, Henry and Hillary!
Jennifer, Henry and Uncle Tony!
Our cousins and Tia from my Dad's side of the family!
Griselda, Andrea, Noni, Tia Olivia, Henry, Brenda and Sandra! 
Steve, Anabella, Joaquin, Maverick, Henry, Brenda and me! 
Our cousins Monse, Jorge, Henry and Brenda!
Our cousin's and their daughter!
Dad, Myra, Panchita, Henry, Mom and Juan!


Graduation Party

 One of my cousins on my dad's side of the family had a
Graduation Party back in June and these are the pics.
All the kids decided to get the party started.
Maverick, Bella and Logan formed a circle and started shaking it.
My nephew Ethan decided he didn't need a crowd and started showing us his own moves!!
ha ha
 My little sis and her baby Ethan.
 Joaquin as you can see was busy with his Kindle.
My mom and dad!!

Watercoloring in the Summer

 Bella was super happy painting!

Joaquin always loves anything to do with art so he had an awesome time! 
 Maverick was excited to be sharing his painting tricks with Bella!! ha ha
Here is how my piece turned out!

Last Day of 1st Grade

Okay so these photos don't do my surprise justice!! there were actually about 40 balloons in the car waiting for Joaquin, Maverick and Gracie when I picked them up!! It got a better reaction from all the kids when some floated out as they got in!! People started clapping and I think it made them feel special!! I wrote sayings on the balloons about summer and fun. They really liked it so that is all that matters! by the way it is hard to take pictures and NOT run over kids in the carpool lane!1 ha ha