Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Moody Gardens Galveston Part 2

This kind of freaked us out only because we've seen Jaws way too many times!
but it was cool! and we were all brave! 
 the kids really liked this cage!!

i might have to go and photoshop a shark behind them!!
that would be scary!!

so while we are in the middle of the exhibit with water  and sharks all around us.
Joaquin turns to me and says,
"hey mom, remember in Jaws 3 when they're in that restaurant
under water and then Jaws attacks the glass!"
Then I say,
"dude, probably not the best time to think about stuff like that!"
Then as he stars off into the tank he's like,
"look at how they painted the walls of the tank black so you can't actually see where it ends!"
So I say,
"how do you know its painted black? maybe it is the ocean!"
When I finally look back at him he is as white as a ghost and looks like he is about to cry!!
Guess I took it too far!! ha ha

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