Saturday, January 14, 2012

christmas morning 2011

even though the boys didnt go to bed until well after midnight, they were up at around 7am making sure santa came. they came running in our bedroom telling us they had already looked under the tree and there were new gifts that werent there before.
santa made good and maverick got a wicked witch doll. joaquin got a huge nemo plush just like he asked for.
steve and i got them an aquarium. they were super excited. the next pic is of our edible arrangement which the boys tackled right after that pic was taken. it was a huge hit!
then bella woke up and santa brought her a calliou doll. its a pbs show that she loves watching. she actually really loved her doll as you can see.
all in all everyone was happy once again. as we were cleaning up they twins were already making out their list for next christmas...really??????

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