Friday, January 13, 2012

pioneer day

these are some pics of pioneer day that a local park hosted. it was actually a lot of fun. the kids learned about native americans when they were having their face painted. they didn't understand why they could have spongebob or a rainbow painted on their face instead! ha ha it was pretty funny. then they made bracelets with feathers which apparently was the coolest thing ever. my dad and nephew logan sat with the twins and listened to these musicians jam out on old fashioned instruments. the last on is of bella munching out on some cheese crackers. right before this pic was taken they had this really cool show where the people where acting out taking over a village of families and the men, women and children where having to stand up to the "bad guys" and fight for their land. they had muskets and the blanks were sooooo loud. it was really awesome and the kids were in awe of this going on right before their little eyes. but once it was quiet you could hear all the babies crying and freaking out. i think bella won "the last baby crying" award. she cried for a really long time. poor her.

all in all we had a great day. we made a donation to the organization because they hosted all of this stuff for free. the only thing we paid for was the food. all the shows and activities were done through volunteers. it really was an awesome day. hope you like the pics.

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