Friday, January 13, 2012

an old fashioned christmas

okay so the same organization (Jesse H. Jones Park and Nature Center) that hosted the pioneer day hosted another event called "an old fashioned christmas". the kids got to make ornaments and listen to a group of really cool carolers. everyone with the organization is dressed up. the kids loved it. once it gets dark they have a procession of the three wise men walking to the birth of baby jesus. everyone then follows them on a trail through the woods to a manger where the baby jesus is there with mary and all the animals, it was really sweet and well done. we were amazed at how many kids were there and how quiet it was. it was actually really special.
i love the last two pictures of maverick with his grandma, he loves her soooo much. it is rare that my dad poses for pictures he usually has a crazy face but this time i think this might be one of my all time favorite pics. even my mom knows it rare so she is all smiles.

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