Saturday, October 26, 2013

Our Little Mummy!!

I love Bella's Halloween Spirit!! She is so happy and excited right now she can hardly stand it! she loves seeing all the decorations as we drive by houses and businesses! It makes her so giddy!
So Bella finally decided that she wanted to be a mummy for Halloween!! Sounds easy right?? Until you have to take into account that she will be need to remove it to go to the bathroom and then you don't want it to unravel while she's walking so she doesn't trip!! Anyway this ended up being a sewing project but I think it came out pretty good!! Let me know whatcha think!!

I made this one a little extra spooky for her!! she loved it!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Finally All Caught Up

Okay! So that's it! I finally caught up with all the activities and special moments that we have experienced the past couple of months! I will try to stay up to date but sometimes life gets in the way!!
Wish Me Luck!

The WPE Fall Fest 2013

We all went to the Whispering Pines Elementary Annual Fall Fest
and this year Grandma and Grandpa came with us.
This twins wanted to dress in their Super Hero costumes
and Bella wanted to be Doc McStuffins!

We had a great time playing games and eating candy!
Thanks WPE!!

We Love Our Texans No Matter What!!

So we had our Annual Texan's Photo Shoot and here is what we got!
 Joaquin was being serious!
Maverick was cheesing as usual! 
And Bella was all business. She was growling during this pic!! 
 Then t was time to huddle up!
 I kind of like how the sun in shining in this one!

It was the first cool day of the fall season and we took advantage!
it was a beautiful day!

Did Someone Say Super Hero Party?

 The kids were invited to Gracie's Birthday Party which was Super Hero themed!

  Joaquin wanted to be Spider-Man.
Bella was Gracie's Robin since she was Bat-Girl and Maverick was Captain America!
I thought Bella made an cute little Robin!
Her costume came out great if I do say so myself!

Ready for Tot School

Here is Bella ready for Tot School with her Kindle and her writing pad! 
 She likes chilling and doing some of her letter work on her Kindle.

Shaving Cream Paint

 Bella loves to paint and I love for her to do it in the tub!

Because it always ends up like this!! 
She loves it!!!
And I love that I can just wash all the mess down the drain!

My little genius

 Once the twins went to school I started tot school with Bella here at home!
 Here she is doing one of her favorite activities...Computer Time!
She is so smart and funny!!
I just noticed the little sign on the desk!! 
Thanks Kevin and Demitria!!

Twins Flashback

They have grown so much in such a short time. 
I have to keep reminding myself to stop and enjoy this time while they are small.
It all seems to be going by so fast.
They are both such good brothers to each other and to Bella.
I hope they know how happy they make me and their daddy!

First Day of 2nd Grade

 Here are my babies on the first day of 2nd grade!!
I cannot believe it!!
 Here is Bella getting in on the action!
she was very sad that "her boys" were going to school!
 Here they are in their hallway!
 here is Maverick by his classroom door!
here is Joaquin my his classroom door!

They both went in and didn't look back at me!
I was all teary eyed standing in the hallway like a complete moron...with all the other moms!!! ha ha
i am so proud of the twins. they are so independent now!

2nd Grade Meet and Greet

 Here is Joaquin with his teacher Mrs. McSweeney!!
Here is Maverick with his teacher Ms. Coats!!

Joaquin and his tonsils Part 3

So after about 3 days of doing better Joaquin made a turn for the worse
and stopped eating then started vomiting uncontrollably!!
For obvious reasons I don't have pictures!
But after making a call to his Doc she decided he need to be admitted to
Texas Children's Hospital in the Med Center!
A special thanks for My mother in law for driving Joaquin and I around town
that day and making sure we got settled in our room at TCH!
He was there for about four days on fluids and meds to control his tummy pains!

While we were there Maverick helped daddy take care for Bella Star!
Maverick was a great Big brother and took care of Bella for me!

Joaquin made it home just in time to get ready for school before 2nd grade started!
Needless to say we had a busy summer!!

Joaquin and his tonsils Part 2

 So once we got back home Joaquin was a celebrity and everyone wanted to see how he was!
Our bed ended up being party central!!
Again thank goodness for Kindle Fires!! 
 Everyone wanted to be a patient so they all had to dress the part!
 They all stared out the same bed and then Bella decided she needed a bed to herself!! 
We were all happy Joaquin was doing better!

Joaquin and his tonsils Part 1

So because Joaquin missed quite a few days last school year due to tonsil related issues we decided to
go ahead and schedule for him to have his tonsils removed over the summer.
Here he is in the waiting room with my mom and dad. steve and I are on the other side of him.
My in-laws kept an eye on Bella and Maverick for us.
Thank goodness for ALL grandparents!!
Here is Joaquin kicking back with his warm blanket!! 
 thank goodness for our Kindle Fires!!
Joaquin was nervous but said as long as his CoCo was there he knew he would be okay!!
there is something about his grandpa being there!!
 Here is my poor little baby after his surgery!!
he was so unhappy and kept saying he wanted me to hold him!!
i did and then they gave him something for the pain and for the nausea!!

Here is my baby after his meds kicked in!!
He was having a little trouble with his breathing so they gave him some oxygen!  
Here is Joaquin with his brave face on! 
Here is how he was really feeling!!
he has one of the best sad faces I have ever seen! 
 Here is my dad talking for him before we left!
 Here is Joaquin in a wheelchair! he loved that!
 Here is dad in the backseat with Joaquin just in case he needed some help!
He made the trip home okay! It was a pretty good day!