Monday, October 21, 2013

Joaquin and his tonsils Part 3

So after about 3 days of doing better Joaquin made a turn for the worse
and stopped eating then started vomiting uncontrollably!!
For obvious reasons I don't have pictures!
But after making a call to his Doc she decided he need to be admitted to
Texas Children's Hospital in the Med Center!
A special thanks for My mother in law for driving Joaquin and I around town
that day and making sure we got settled in our room at TCH!
He was there for about four days on fluids and meds to control his tummy pains!

While we were there Maverick helped daddy take care for Bella Star!
Maverick was a great Big brother and took care of Bella for me!

Joaquin made it home just in time to get ready for school before 2nd grade started!
Needless to say we had a busy summer!!

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